Why is writing hard things easier?

It’s not the anonymity of the keyboard—if I’m writing a hard thing, it’s usually to someone I know in real life (OK, except when I’m writing it here because it’s easier to process on a blog). And I need them to hear it, so they’ll know it’s from me.

Maybe the eye contact feels too vulnerable, and the page provides some level of protection or comfort. Like a weighted blanket. I still need to get one of those.

I’ve always felt more in control of written words than spoken ones. Once they’re out of your mouth, they’re gone. There’s no undoing them. On paper (or screens), I have a pause and a backspace button. I can rethink what to say, how to say it, or whether I should even say it at all. I can reframe things. I can hide a little more.

I guess, sometimes, I’m still scared of being seen.


Life is a…


Privilege and bias: a career journey