Counting time

Three minutes from now, I will be turning 41 years old.
September 13.

Five hours and twenty-seven minutes from now, I will be attending my aunt’s funeral.
September 13.

Fifty-five days from now, she would have turned 87 years old.
November 7.

Four years and fourteen days ago, my dad—my aunt’s twin brother—passed away.
August 31.
Sixty-eight days after that, he would have turned 83.

Ten days from now, my son will be 9 years old.
September 23.

One-hundred-and-fifty days from now, my daughter will celebrate her Bat Mitzvah.
February 10.

Eighty-eight days from now, my mom will turn 76.
December 10.

One minute from now, I won’t be able to unthink this thinking.

I have always been someone who calculates living in units of time.
Time since. Time until.

How many hours before we have to leave?
Our flight home is tomorrow.

How many birthdays has he already missed?
Four of mine.
Three of my mom’s.

How much longer until we reach this milestone?
Which one, exactly, am I holding my breath for?

I am always counting.

Sometimes the counting is quiet, passive.
It fades into the background and lets my breathing take over.
I imagine that’s my meditation practice at work.
14,504 total minutes, according to one of my apps.

Even then, I am still counting.

One day, I won’t be.
An unknown number of days and years from now.
An unknown date.

Many times since something, no time left until.

It’s funny how death makes you wax poetic about life.

I turned 41 years old an hour and six minutes ago.
September 13.

It took me an hour and nine minutes to write this.


Being my own shoulders


You know what sucks?