You know what sucks?

You know what sucks?

Knowing what you need to do, but being afraid to do it because of how it might be interpreted, or how it’ll be held against you.

Owning your power and wonder in private, but constantly having to worry about using it outwardly because of others perceiving it as a threat.

Having a vision for something bigger and more beautiful, but not being able to share it because it might conflict with someone else’s limited perspective of what’s possible.

Loving who you are, what you’ve accomplished, and how you show up in the world—and having those very same things be what someone else finds aggressive or wrong.

You know what doesn’t suck?


Our superficial culture, our capitalistic corporate structures, everything around us is designed to make us “fit in.” Incentives. Rewards. Praise. Consequences. Likes. Competencies. Promotions.

What if I don’t want to “fit in” anymore? What if I don’t want to play the game because the game is so far beyond broken that it will take a thousand more people like me to reimagine and redesign it?

Where do I find these people?

I’m sending out a signal.

I’m listening for yours.


Counting time


Creative addiction